Over the years I have come to appreciate that saying for what it's worth. I have photo's that really do "speak" to me. I can look at certain pictures and really see the beauty, the life and the story held within. It can be really moving actually. If you have ever taken the time to really absorb a photograph, you can really discern the depth behind it.
For example, I took this picture of a horse over the summer. I really feel this has depth to it unlike a lot of the pictures I have taken. I mean, I have lots of pictures of animals, but this one, it just feels different to me. I get caught up in it for some reason. I really can't explain it, all I know is, this picture touches my heart, and I love it.
He was such a beautiful creature anyways. When I was taking his picture he would come closer and closer to me. He was so sweet and wanted to be pet and played with. We had a good time together! He even took off and ran a little bit then came back to me, like he wanted me to run with him, it was very sweet! His owners say that he has quite the personality, and I certainly could see it that day!
So, I hope you enjoy it. I find him captivating!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Balancing act - it's called "life"
I have decided that life is just like a high wire balancing act. If you are a mom, you know exactly what I mean! Even if you don't have kids, balancing life can be a challenge. Sometimes we forget to step back and look at the chaos around us and find the humor in it. So, the laundry didn't get done, so you didn't make a five course all organic meal for dinner tonight, it's OK! To balance my life and my sanity I have to constantly step back and look at what is funny, what is beautiful, and what is good that is going on. If I focused on everything I haven't finished, everything I didn't get to, and everything that didn't go as planned, I would loose my balance and I'm sure I would go insane!
You may be asking, what in the world inspired this chatter? Well, my son did.
Now that my son is a full blown toddler, walking, running, trying to talk, climbing into and onto things, like the dog, opening things, like my purse, the toilet lid, the jar of toddler treats, sprinkling them all across the floor, opening the baggy full of toddler yogurt bites, spreading them across the floor, then stomping on them for good measure, opening a bag of Oreo cookies that someone left on the table in the living room at his height, then hiding in a corner eating them as fast as he can, grabbing his cracker bag out the diaper bag, stuffing them into the cushions of the couch, closing things, unfolding things, throwing things in the garbage can, in the tub, in my shoe, in my purse, in the dogs water bowl, dumping out his toy box, his diaper basket, the wipes container, my purse, dragging things off into other rooms like the rugs, remotes to the wii, my purse... (notice a pattern?), I have found out that balancing a toddler, housework, and two businesses is a HUGE Challenge! - Mind you, this was just yesterday! Who knows what today will bring! Perhaps a ripped up check book, a flushed set of keys, a missing remote...
But, I have also found, that he makes great photo opportunities for me!!! And, I wouldn't have it any other way! My life was so boring before he came along! Just what did I do with all that spare time? :)
Today, I was just reflecting on how much my life has changed in the last year and a half, and I have come to the conclusion that it is great! I moved to a new town, made some great new friends, had a wonderful little boy, I've been able to get closer to my sister, Shari, and the whole time I've been able to take some pretty amazing photo's for my scrapbook! Granted, they are not all very pretty! But, they are all very special to me.
I think it is so important to preserve your memories as best as you can. Because, you never know when you want to look back on them and remember what it was like back then, when you were walking your high wire, figuring out your balancing act! It may have been scary at the time and you weren't sure what your next move should be, but, boy was it a great time!!!
You may be asking, what in the world inspired this chatter? Well, my son did.
Now that my son is a full blown toddler, walking, running, trying to talk, climbing into and onto things, like the dog, opening things, like my purse, the toilet lid, the jar of toddler treats, sprinkling them all across the floor, opening the baggy full of toddler yogurt bites, spreading them across the floor, then stomping on them for good measure, opening a bag of Oreo cookies that someone left on the table in the living room at his height, then hiding in a corner eating them as fast as he can, grabbing his cracker bag out the diaper bag, stuffing them into the cushions of the couch, closing things, unfolding things, throwing things in the garbage can, in the tub, in my shoe, in my purse, in the dogs water bowl, dumping out his toy box, his diaper basket, the wipes container, my purse, dragging things off into other rooms like the rugs, remotes to the wii, my purse... (notice a pattern?), I have found out that balancing a toddler, housework, and two businesses is a HUGE Challenge! - Mind you, this was just yesterday! Who knows what today will bring! Perhaps a ripped up check book, a flushed set of keys, a missing remote...
But, I have also found, that he makes great photo opportunities for me!!! And, I wouldn't have it any other way! My life was so boring before he came along! Just what did I do with all that spare time? :)
Today, I was just reflecting on how much my life has changed in the last year and a half, and I have come to the conclusion that it is great! I moved to a new town, made some great new friends, had a wonderful little boy, I've been able to get closer to my sister, Shari, and the whole time I've been able to take some pretty amazing photo's for my scrapbook! Granted, they are not all very pretty! But, they are all very special to me.
I think it is so important to preserve your memories as best as you can. Because, you never know when you want to look back on them and remember what it was like back then, when you were walking your high wire, figuring out your balancing act! It may have been scary at the time and you weren't sure what your next move should be, but, boy was it a great time!!!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Dreamy new photo shoot ideas...
Why is it when you are dreaming and you have a great idea while you are dreaming, then when you wake up you can't remember what that great idea was??? I had a great dream last night about my wonderful profession... in that dream I had some great ideas for new shoots and props and creative poses, and, yep, you guessed it, I can't remember them! I remember a couple but not all of them. How extremely frustrating!
Regardless of the 'lost' dreamy ideas, I do have a few new ones that I did remember and I will be imposing upon my beautiful niece and handsome nephew to practice on! :) I'm sure they won't mind!

Have a great weekend everyone!
Regardless of the 'lost' dreamy ideas, I do have a few new ones that I did remember and I will be imposing upon my beautiful niece and handsome nephew to practice on! :) I'm sure they won't mind!

Have a great weekend everyone!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Winter Wonders Give-away!
Yay, it's finally time to start taking entries for my Winter Wonders Give-away! Win a free portrait session just for you! The session will take place sometime in January. Plus you will get a free 8X10 print of the photographers favorite from the shoot, PLUS you will get 10 High-res photos on dvd! Wow!
All you have to do is email me with a great reason as to why you think you deserve this shoot, or, better yet, email me with a nomination for a friend and if you win, you can surprise them with this great gift!
To qualify:
1. You must be at least 18 years old.
2. You have not won a contest from us in the last 12 months
3. You must be able to be at the shoot location in January of 2011 - Spokane, Washington
4. You may enter yourself only once and/or nominate a friend only once.
It's that easy! So, hurry up get your entry in now! Entries will be accepted until December 1st! The winner will be announced shortly after that!
All you have to do is email me with a great reason as to why you think you deserve this shoot, or, better yet, email me with a nomination for a friend and if you win, you can surprise them with this great gift!
To qualify:
1. You must be at least 18 years old.
2. You have not won a contest from us in the last 12 months
3. You must be able to be at the shoot location in January of 2011 - Spokane, Washington
4. You may enter yourself only once and/or nominate a friend only once.
It's that easy! So, hurry up get your entry in now! Entries will be accepted until December 1st! The winner will be announced shortly after that!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Baby Bump Love
Tonight I had the privilege of taking maternity shots for a great young couple! I had a great time, and they were so much fun! I can't wait to see how the rest of the pictures turn out, but for now, here are a few just to share! Maternity sessions are some of my favorites to do! I love the way the mommy-to-be glows and the way the daddy-to-be is so gentle and sweet. Both are so excited, and just so cute! Warms my heart.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Here's a blast from the past...
Found these the other day.... just had to share it, it's fun to see old photos, especially when you aren't expecting to stumble upon them! I know I will get some great feedback from these! Too funny!
Oh and on a professional note: I have a shoot tomorrow and will be posting from that asap!!!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
I was thinking about my sisters today, and since we haven't had a picture of all of us together since I was a baby... I know, SHOCKING, I thought I'd post a photo of two sisters that really touched my heart. It was taken a while back, but I think of them often, they called me "Aunt Bobbie"... I loved that shoot!!!
Sisters are very special... no matter how close you are or are not in age, how close you are now or used to be, they have and always will be your built in best friend! I should know, I have 3 wonderful sisters, all of whom I love with my whole heart, plus I have 4 sisters-in-law that I love just as much!! I feel honored to be able to say that I am related to such powerful, strong, intelligent, beautiful women. To all 7 of you: You have taught me something individually that I will always cherish, you all have helped me in numerous ways and I only hope that I can absorb all of the best attributes of all of you and be, at least a little bit, like you! xoxoxoxox
If you have a sister. or sisters, that have inspired you in anyway, call me to set up a special "Heartstrings" session, dedicated to all things Sister! Call for more details and to reserve your session!
Sisters are very special... no matter how close you are or are not in age, how close you are now or used to be, they have and always will be your built in best friend! I should know, I have 3 wonderful sisters, all of whom I love with my whole heart, plus I have 4 sisters-in-law that I love just as much!! I feel honored to be able to say that I am related to such powerful, strong, intelligent, beautiful women. To all 7 of you: You have taught me something individually that I will always cherish, you all have helped me in numerous ways and I only hope that I can absorb all of the best attributes of all of you and be, at least a little bit, like you! xoxoxoxox
If you have a sister. or sisters, that have inspired you in anyway, call me to set up a special "Heartstrings" session, dedicated to all things Sister! Call for more details and to reserve your session!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Cake update....
I had leftover buttercreme, so I used it up on the rest of the cake. Now it's polka dotted and stringy!!! hahaha! just had to share my silly little adventure! Don't mind the fuzzy photo please, the camera phone is not so very good...
The cake boss IS the boss!
So, do any of you watch "Cake Boss"? I do and I love that show. I have been wanting to try making a cake with Fondant and sugar flowers for a long time now, so I gave it whirl this morning. I made a small whimsy cake. I love the whimsical looking cakes, they make me smile. I have to say. working with Fondant is NOT as easy as it looks! I enjoyed it yes, but it's actually pretty hard. I ran out of fondant for my lace edge, I didn't make the kind of flowers I originally wanted to, but, you can blame that on my son, he wasn't being very cooperative today, so I rushed the flowers. Right now, as I type, he is behind my desk chair turning over all my papers and files that I worked on yesterday! Hahaha!! I think it's his goal, you know.... to make my life a constant cleaning, constant diaper changing, constant food preparing, constant feeding, constant chasing kind of life!
Back to the cake, I definately want to try to make another cake, and maybe even make a bigger whismy cake, like a topsy cake or something like that. Or maybe even a realistic cake. It definately releases my creative energy that I spoke about! But in all honesty, my cake is quite horrible, you would look at it and think a child made it!! (I think I will stick with photography, cake decorating is not a profession I was made for!)
At any rate, after today, I have new respect for Buddy, the boss. He is an artist and I believe that all cake decorators who do work like him are under-appreciated!
Back to the cake, I definately want to try to make another cake, and maybe even make a bigger whismy cake, like a topsy cake or something like that. Or maybe even a realistic cake. It definately releases my creative energy that I spoke about! But in all honesty, my cake is quite horrible, you would look at it and think a child made it!! (I think I will stick with photography, cake decorating is not a profession I was made for!)
At any rate, after today, I have new respect for Buddy, the boss. He is an artist and I believe that all cake decorators who do work like him are under-appreciated!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Paperwork today.....
YUCK, it's Monday..... paperwork today, the part I hate! Business is fun, to an extent. There is always the dreaded paperwork that goes along with your own business! I may throw in a little photo editing this afternoon, just to give me a little pick-me up!!! Why can't I just snap my fingers and have it all done, ya know like they do in the movies... oh wait, that's not real, hhhmmmmppphhh!! Oh well, I guess I better get started, (can you tell I'm stalling?!) I will organize all my papers today, for both businesses, mine and my husbands, and then I will balance the check books, then I will send off all needed papers and reports, and then...... aahhh who am I kidding? I'll be doing good if get to the checkbook at all today!!! :) I'd rather be taking pictures!!!!!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
Creative energy bubbling over!
Sooo.... as you know I am a photographer. I love, love, LOVE photography! I take so many pictures all the time it's crazy! But, I have been wanting to expand my creativity lately, so.... I bought a sewing machine! Hahahaha, bet you thought that I was going to buy something that had to do with photography huh?? :) Well, I used to sew when I was younger, but, then I didn't have a sewing machine after I got married and got away from it. Since my in-laws are visiting, yesterday my mother-in-law and I went to town, shopped all day, had a blast! I ended up buying material for two blankets, one for my husband and one for me. When we got home we made both the blankets together, they aren't large, more like a large throw. His has a football print on it, obviously he's a huge football fan! Mine has a very bright retro print. They turned out great! We had so much fun making them together too! But, the funny thing is..... they were tie blankets - NO SEWING! Hahahahahaha!
So my creative energy was satisfied, but not exactly in the way I thought it would be!
So my creative energy was satisfied, but not exactly in the way I thought it would be!
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