Thursday, October 7, 2010


I was thinking about my sisters today, and since we haven't had a picture of all of us together since I was a baby... I know, SHOCKING, I thought I'd post a photo of two sisters that really touched my heart. It was taken a while back, but I think of them often, they called me "Aunt Bobbie"... I loved that shoot!!!

Sisters are very special... no matter how close you are or are not in age, how close you are now or used to be, they have and always will be your built in best friend! I should know, I have 3 wonderful sisters, all of whom I love with my whole heart, plus I have 4 sisters-in-law that I love just as much!! I feel honored to be able to say that I am related to such powerful, strong, intelligent, beautiful women. To all 7 of you: You have taught me something individually that I will always cherish, you all have helped me in numerous ways and I only hope that I can absorb all of the best attributes of all of you and be, at least a little bit, like you! xoxoxoxox

If you have a sister. or sisters, that have inspired you in anyway, call me to set up a special "Heartstrings" session, dedicated to all things Sister! Call for more details and to reserve your session!

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