Artists are often times asked where they find inspiration. How do they come up with their work? What drives them in that particular direction?
Well, as a digital artist myself, I can tell you, it isn't so easy to explain. It's not always the same. In fact, it rarely is. It can be a sound, a smell, a taste or a memory that rushes into my heart and I feel the urge to express it, but, not in words, in pictures.
You see, inspiration means something different to each one of us. Let me give you a list of words that relate to Inspiration:
Motivate -Drive
Stimulate -Animate
Spur -Enliven
Incentive -Breathe
Cause -Emotion
Sympathy -Warmth
Ardor -Zeal
Passion -Thrill
Love -Affection
All those words can describe how, at one time or another, I was inspired to take a photograph. For example, I was given a flower by my husband. It was a stargazer lily. It wasn't for any special occasion, it was just a gift. But, that flower meant something to me. He may not have realized what he did, but, I felt it right away! It was the same type of flower as the first bouquet he bought me. When he gave me the first one I thought I had never seen a flower so beautiful! When I received the second one, it was even more beautiful! I was instantly taken back to a place where love was new, the air was sweet and life was light!
I took photographs of that second lily. Quite a few actually. But when I see those photographs I am reminded of so many different things. The lily itself is long gone, like so many things, it eventually dried up and was thrown out. But, it's effects on me are just as strong and vibrant as when I look at the photographs I took so many years ago of that Thrilling, Passionate, Inspirational flower.
If you are an artist that is struggling to find inspiration, my advice to you would be, don't look so hard. Inspiration is not an elusive creature found only in sporadic bouts of whimsy! Rather, take a deep breath, let things go, release your inhibitions. You will find inspiration in places that you wouldn't have dared looked! That's why 'looking' for inspiration is not recommended. Let it come to you.
It can be at the grocery store when you spot an almost unbelievable bright lemon that causes an overwhelming emotion of youth and vigor to swell up inside of you and thus inspires you to shoot photos a baby girl in a lemon colored dress holding a giant lollipop, or waiting at a red light when you see a compassionate stranger help an elderly man cross the street and you are inspired to photograph the legacy of an entire family and the history of an whole generation as told in one shot of an old mans wrinkled hands, or even when you lay down at night and close your eyes and get a faint whiff of the lilac bush outside your window and it reminds you of how beautiful your grandmother was to you as a child and how sweet she made everything smell and taste so you are driven to photograph a vintage pair of women's shoes by a crystal clear stream of water.
To some those photographs may sound odd, but to me, they have meaning, power and emotions. That's what inspiration is. It's not something you can learn, buy, borrow, steal or otherwise create. It's spontaneous. It's genuine. It's organic. It's free. It's real.
So, what inspires me? What motivates me in a certain direction? One word - LIFE.
May your life inspire you, no matter what your occupation. May you find the breath, love, zeal and incentive to get better at whatever it is you do, photographer or not!
As always, be SNAP HAPPY!
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